
XSLTPROC(1)                     xsltproc Manual                    XSLTPROC(1)

       xsltproc - command line xslt processor

       xsltproc [-V | -v | -o file | --timing | --repeat
                | --debug | --novalid | --noout | --maxdepth val
                | --html | --docbook | --param name value
                | --stringparam name value | --nonet | --catalogs
                | --xinclude | --profile | --dumpextensions | --nowrite
                | --nomkdir | --writesubtree] [stylesheet] [file1]
                [file2] [....]

        xsltproc  is  a command line tool for applying XSLT stylesheets to XML
       documents. It is part of libxslt, the XSLT C library for  GNOME.  While
       it  was developed as part of the GNOME project, it can operate indepen-
       dently of the GNOME desktop.

        xsltproc is invoked from  the  command  line  with  the  name  of  the
       stylesheet  to  be  used  followed  by the name of the file or files to
       which the stylesheet is to be applied.

       If a stylesheet is included in an XML document with a  Stylesheet  Pro-
       cessing  Instruction,  no stylesheet need be named at the command line.
       xsltproc will automatically detect the included stylesheet and use  it.

       By  default,  output  is  to  stdout. You can specify a file for output
       using the -o option.

       -V or --version
              Show the version of libxml and libxslt used.

       -v or --verbose
              Output each step taken by xsltproc in processing the  stylesheet
              and the document.

       -o or --output file
              Direct output to the file named file. For multiple outputs, also
              known as "chunking", -o directory/ directs the output files to a
              specified directory. The directory must already exist.

              Display  the  time  used for parsing the stylesheet, parsing the
              document and applying the stylesheet and saving the result. Dis-
              played in milliseconds.

              Run the transformation 20 times. Used for timing tests.

              Output  an  XML  tree  of the transformed document for debugging

              Skip loading the document's DTD.

              Do not output the result.

       --maxdepth value
              Adjust the maximum depth of the template  stack  before  libxslt
              concludes it is in an infinite loop. The default is 500.

       --html The input document is an HTML file.

              The  input  document  is DocBook SGML.  Do not use the --docbook
              option of xsltproc to process XML DocBook documents, this option
              is  only  intended to provide some (limited) support of the SGML
              version of DocBook.

       --param name value
              Pass a parameter of name name and value value to the stylesheet.
              You may pass multiple name/value pairs up to a maximum of 32. If
              the value being passed is a string rather than  a  node  identi-
              fier, use --stringparam instead.

       --stringparam name value
              Pass  a paramenter of name name and value value where value is a
              string rather than a node identifier. (Note: The string must  be

              Do not use the Internet to fetch DTD's or entities.

              Use  the SGML catalog specified in SGML_CATALOG_FILES to resolve
              the location of external entities. By  default,  xsltproc  looks
              for  the  catalog specified in XML_CATALOG_FILES. If that is not
              specified, it uses /etc/xml/catalog.

              Process the input document  using  the  Xinclude  specification.
              More details on this can be found in the Xinclude specification:

       --profile or --norman
              Output profiling information detailing the amount of time  spent
              in  each  part  of  the stylesheet. This is useful in optimizing
              stylesheet performance.

              Dumps the list of all registered extensions on stdout.

              Refuses to write to any file or resource.

              Refuses to create directories.

       --writesubtree path
              Allow file write only within the path subtree.

       xsltproc's return codes provide information that can be used when call-
       ing it from scripts.

       0: normal

       1: no argument

       2: too many parameters

       3: unknown option

       4: failed to parse the stylesheet

       5: error in the stylesheet

       6: error in one of the documents

       7: unsupported xsl:output method

       8: string parameter contains both quote and double-quotes

       9: internal processing error

       10: processing was stopped by a terminating message

       libxml web page::

       W3C XSLT page::
