
VGSCAN(8)                                                            VGSCAN(8)

       vgscan  -  scan  all  disks for volume groups and build /etc/lvmtab and
       /etc/lvmtab.d/* which are the database for all other lvm commands.

       vgscan [-d|--debug] [-f|--forcenumbers] [-h|--help]  [-r|--remove_snap-
       shots [VolumeGroupName]] [-v|--verbose]

       vgscan  scans  all  SCSI, (E)IDE disks, multiple devices and a bunch of
       other disk devives in the system for volume groups defined.

       -d, --debug
              Enables additional debugging output (if compiled with DEBUG).

       -f, --forcenumbers
              If used volume group and/or logical  volume  minor  numbers  are
              found  during  scan,  replace  them. This will potentially cause
              problems for NFS exported filesystems on  logical  volumes  with
              changed numbers.

       -h, --help
              Print  a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.

       -r, --remove_snapshots [VolumeGroupName]
              Remove all snapshot logical volumes from all or just  the  named
              volume group.

       -v, --verbose
              Display verbose information of vgscan's activities.

       Put  vgscan  in  one of your system startup scripts.  This gives you an
       actual logical volume manager database  before  activating  all  volume
       groups by doing a "vgchange -ay".

       vgscan returns an exit code of 0 for success and > 0 for error:

       1  error reading physical volumes
       2  error inserting vokume group name into lvmtab
       3  no volume group(s) found
       4  error creating lvmtab
       5  no or not enough free device specials to store volume group in lvmtab
       6  error storing VGDA on disk(s)
       7  reused LV device number
       8  error releasing snapshot logical volume

       95 driver/module not in kernel
       96 invalid I/O protocol version
       97 error locking logical volume manager
       99 invalid command line

See also
       lvm(8), vgcreate(8), vgchange(8)

       Heinz Mauelshagen <>

Heinz Mauelshagen                  LVM TOOLS                         VGSCAN(8)