
tixTList(n)                  Tix Built-In Commands                 tixTList(n)


       tixTList - Create and manipulate Tix Tabular List widgets

       tixTList pathName ?options?

       -background     -borderWidth   -cursor         -foreground
       -font           -height        -highlightColor -highlightThickness
       -relief         -selectBackground              -selectForeground
       -xScrollCommand -yScrollCommand                -width

       See the options manual entry for details on the standard options.

       Command-Line Name:-browsecmd
       Database Name:  browsecmd
       Database Class: BrowseCmd

              Specifies  a  TCL  command  to be executed when the user browses
              through the entries in the TList widget.

       Command-Line Name:-command
       Database Name:  command
       Database Class: Command

              Specifies the TCL command to be executed when the user invokes a
              list entry in the TList widget. Normally the user invokes a list
              entry by double-clicking it or pressing the Return key.

       Command-Line Name:-foreground
       Database Name:  foreground
       Database Class: Foreground

              Specifies the default foreground color for the list entries.

       Command-Line Name:-height
       Database Name:  height
       Database Class: Height

              Specifies the desired height for the window in number of charac-

       Command-Line Name:-itemtype
       Database Name:  itemType
       Database Class: ItemType

              Specifies  the  default type of display item for this TList wid-
              get. When you call the insert widget commands, display items  of
              this  type will be created if the -itemtype option is not speci-
              fied .

       Command-Line Name:-orient
       Database Name:  orient
       Database Class: Orient

              Specifies the order of tabularizing the list entries.  When  set
              to "vertical", the entries are arranged in a column, from top to
              bottom. If the entries cannot be contained in  one  column,  the
              remaining  entries  will  go to the next column, and so on. When
              set to "horizontal", the entries are arranged  in  a  row,  from
              left  to  right.  If the entries cannot be contained in one row,
              the remaining entries will go to the next row, and so on.

       Command-Line Name:-padx
       Database Name:  padX
       Database Class: Pad

              The default horizontal padding for list entries.

       Command-Line Name:-padx
       Database Name:  padY
       Database Class: Pad

              The default vertical padding for list entries.

       Command-Line Name:-selectbackground
       Database Name:  selectBackground
       Database Class: SelectBackground

              Specifies the background color for the selected list entries.

       Command-Line Name:-selectborderwidth
       Database Name:  selectBorderWidth
       Database Class: BorderWidth

              Specifies a non-negative value indicating the width of  the  3-D
              border to draw around selected items.  The value may have any of
              the forms acceptable to Tk_GetPixels.

       Command-Line Name:-selectforeground
       Database Name:  selectForeground
       Database Class: SelectForeground

              Specifies the foreground color for the selected list entries.

       Command-Line Name:-selectmode
       Database Name:  selectMode
       Database Class: SelectMode

              Specifies one of several styles for manipulating the  selection.
              The  value of the option may be arbitrary, but the default bind-
              ings expect  it  to  be  either  single,  browse,  multiple,  or
              extended; the default value is single.

       Command-Line Name:-sizecmd
       Database Name:  sizeCmd
       Database Class: SizeCmd

              Specifies  a  TCL  script to be called whenever the TList widget
              changes its size. This command can be useful to implement  "user
              scroll bars when needed" features.

       Command-Line Name:-state
       Database Name:  state
       Database Class: State

              Specifies  whether  the  TList  command  should  react  to  user
              actions. When set to "normal", the TList reacts to user  actions
              in the normal way. When set to "disabled", the TList can only be
              scrolled, but its entries cannot be selected or activated.

       Command-Line Name:-width
       Database Name:  width
       Database Class: Width

              Specifies the desired width for the window in characters.

       The tixTList command creates a new window (given by the pathName  argu-
       ment)  and makes it into a TList widget.  Additional options, described
       above, may be specified on the command line or in the  option  database
       to configure aspects of the TList widget such as its cursor and relief.

       The TList widget can be used to display data in a tabular  format.  The
       list  entries  of  a  TList widget are similar to the entries in the Tk
       listbox widget. The main differences are (1) the TList widget can  dis-
       play  the  list entries in a two dimensional format and (2) you can use
       graphical images as well as multiple colors  and  fonts  for  the  list

       Each  list entry is identified by an index, which can be in the follow-
       ing forms:

              number An integer that indicates the position of  the  entry  in
                     the  list. 0 means the first position, 1 means the second
                     position, and so on.

              end    Indicates the end of the listbox. For some commands  this
                     means  just  after  the last entry; for other commands it
                     means the last entry.

              @x,y   Indicates the element that covers the point in the  list-
                     box  window  specified by x and y (in pixel coordinates).
                     If no element covers that point, then the closest element
                     to that point is used.

       Each  list  entry in an TList widget is associated with a display item.
       The display item determines what visual information should be displayed
       for  this  list entry. Please see the tixDisplayStyle manual page for a
       list of all display items.

       When a list entry is created by the insert command,  the  type  of  its
       display item is determined by the -itemtype option passed to these com-
       mands. If the -itemtype is omitted, then by default the type  specified
       by this TList widget's -itemtype option is used.

       The  tixTList  command creates a new Tcl command whose name is the same
       as the path name of the TList widget's window.   This  command  may  be
       used  to invoke various operations on the widget.  It has the following
       general form:
                     pathName option ?arg arg ...?
       PathName is the name of the command, which is the  same  as  the  TList
       widget's  path  name.  Option and the args determine the exact behavior
       of the command.  The following commands are possible for TList widgets:

       pathName anchor set index
              Sets  the  anchor  to  the  list  entry identified by index. The
              anchor is the end of the selection that is fixed while  dragging
              out a selection with the mouse.

       pathName anchor clear
              Removes  the  anchor,  if any, from this TList widget. This only
              removes the surrounding highlights of the anchor entry and  does
              not affect its selection status.

       pathName cget option
              Returns  the  current value of the configuration option given by
              option. Option may have  any  of  the  values  accepted  by  the
              tixTList command.

       pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
              Query  or modify the configuration options of the widget.  If no
              option is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail-
              able  options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for information
              on the format of this list). If  option  is  specified  with  no
              value,  then the command returns a list describing the one named
              option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist
              of  the  value  returned  if no option is specified).  If one or
              more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies
              the  given  widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this
              case the command returns an empty string.  Option may  have  any
              of the values accepted by the tixTList command.

       pathName delete from ?to?
              Deletes  one or more list entries between the two entries speci-
              fied by the indices from and to. If to is not specified, deletes
              the single entry specified by from.

       pathName dragsite set index
              Sets  the  dragsite  to  the list entry identified by index. The
              dragsite is used to  indicate  the  source  of  a  drag-and-drop
              action.  Currently  drag-and-drop  functionality  has  not  been
              implemented in Tix yet.

       pathName dragsite clear
              Remove the dragsite, if any, from the this  TList  widget.  This
              only  removes  the  surrounding highlights of the dragsite entry
              and does not affect its selection status.

       pathName dropsite set index
              Sets the dropsite to the list entry  identified  by  index.  The
              dropsite  is  used  to  indicate  the  target of a grag-and-drop
              action.  Currently  drag-and-drop  functionality  has  not  been
              implemented in Tix yet.

       pathName dropsite clear
              Remove  the  dropsite,  if any, from the this TList widget. This
              only removes the surrounding highlights of  the  dropsite  entry
              and does not affect its selection status.

       pathName entrycget index option
              Returns  the  current value of the configuration option given by
              option for the entry indentfied by index. Option may have any of
              the values accepted by the insert widget command.

       pathName entryconfigure index ?option? ?value option value ...?
              Query  or  modify  the  configuration  options of the list entry
              indentfied by index. If no option is specified, returns  a  list
              describing  all  of the available options for index (see Tk_Con-
              figureInfo for information on  the  format  of  this  list).  If
              option  is  specified  with no value, then the command returns a
              list describing the one named option (this list will be  identi-
              cal  to  the  corresponding  sublist of the value returned if no
              option is specified). If one  or  more  option-value  pairs  are
              specified, then the command modifies the given option(s) to have
              the given value(s); in this case the command  returns  an  empty
              string.   Option  may  have  any  of  the values accepted by the
              insert widget command. The exact set of options depends  on  the
              value  of  the  -itemtype option passed to the the insert widget
              command when this list entry is created.

       pathName insert index ?option value ...?
              Creates a new list entry at the position indicated by index. The
              following  configuration  options  can be given to configure the
              list entry:

              -itemtype type
                     Specifies the type of display item to be display for  the
                     new  list  entry. type must be a valid display item type.
                     Currently the available display  item  types  are  image,
                     imagetext, text, and window. If this option is not speci-
                     fied, then by default the type specified  by  this  TList
                     widget's -itemtype option is used.

              -state Specifies  whether  this entry can be selected or invoked
                     by the user.  Must be either normal or disabled.
       The insert widget command accepts additional configuration  options  to
       configure  the display item associated with this list entry. The set of
       additional configuration options depends on the  type  of  the  display
       item given by the -itemtype option. Please see the tixDisplayStyle man-
       ual page for a list of the configuration options for each of  the  dis-
       play item types.

       pathName info option arg ...
              Query  information  about the TList widget. option can be one of
              the following:

              pathName info anchor index
                     ; Returns the index of the current anchor, if any, of the
                     TList widget. If the anchor is not set, returns the empty

              pathName info dragsite index
                     Returns the index of the current dragsite, if any, of the
                     TList  widget.  If  the  dragsite is not set, returns the
                     empty string.

              pathName info dropsite index
                     Returns the index of the current dropsite, if any, of the
                     TList  widget.  If  the  dropsite is not set, returns the
                     empty string.

              pathName info selection
                     Returns a list of selected elements in the TList  widget.
                     If no entries are selectd, returns an empty string.

       pathName nearest x y
              Given  an (x,y) coordinate within the TList window, this command
              returns the index of the TList element nearest to  that  coordi-

       pathName see index
              Adjust the view in the TList so that the entry given by index is
              visible. If the entry is already visible then the command has no
              effect;  if  the  entry  is near one edge of the window then the
              TList scrolls to bring the element into view at the edge; other-
              wise the TList widget scrolls to center the entry.

       pathName selection option arg ...
              This command is used to adjust the selection within a TList wid-
              get. It has several forms, depending on option:

              pathName selection clear ?from? ?to?
                     When no extra arguments are given, deselects all  of  the
                     list  entrie(s)  in  this TList widget. When only from is
                     given, only the list entry identified by  from  is  dese-
                     lected. When both from and to are given, deselects all of
                     the list entrie(s) between between from  and  to,  inclu-
                     sive,  without  affecting  the selection state of entries
                     outside that range.

              pathName selection includes index
                     Returns 1 if the list entry indicated by  index  is  cur-
                     rently selected; returns 0 otherwise.

              pathName selection set from ?to?
                     Selects  all  of  the list entrie(s) between between from
                     and to, inclusive, without affecting the selection  state
                     of  entries  outside that range. When only from is given,
                     only the list entry identified by from is selected.

       pathName xview args
              This command is used to query and change the horizontal position
              of  the  information  in the widget's window. It can take any of
              the following forms:

              pathName xview
                     Returns a list containing two elements.  Each element  is
                     a  real  fraction between 0 and 1; together they describe
                     the horizontal span that is visible in the  window.   For
                     example,  if  the first element is .2 and the second ele-
                     ment is .6, 20% of the TList entry is off-screen  to  the
                     left, the middle 40% is visible in the window, and 40% of
                     the entry is off-screen to the right. These are the  same
                     values  passed  to  scrollbars  via  the  -xscrollcommand

              pathName xview index
                     Adjusts the view in the window so  that  the  list  entry
                     identified  by  index  is aligned to the left edge of the

              pathName xview moveto fraction
                     Adjusts the view in the window so that  fraction  of  the
                     total width of the TList is off-screen to the left. frac-
                     tion must be a fraction between 0 and 1.

              pathName xview scroll number what
                     This command shifts the view in the window left or  right
                     according  to number and what. Number must be an integer.
                     What must be either units or pages or an abbreviation  of
                     one  of these. If what is units, the view adjusts left or
                     right by number character units (the width of the 0 char-
                     acter)  on  the  display;  if  it  is pages then the view
                     adjusts by number screenfuls. If number is negative  then
                     characters  farther  to the left become visible; if it is
                     positive then characters farther to the right become vis-

       pathName yview ?args?
              This  command  is used to query and change the vertical position
              of the entries in the widget's window. It can take  any  of  the
              following forms:

              pathName yview
                     Returns a list containing two elements, both of which are
                     real fractions between 0 and 1.  The first element  gives
                     the  position  of the list element at the top of the win-
                     dow, relative to the TList as a whole (0.5  means  it  is
                     halfway through the TList, for example).  The second ele-
                     ment gives the position of the list entry just after  the
                     last one in the window, relative to the TList as a whole.
                     These are the same values passed to  scrollbars  via  the
                     -yscrollcommand option.

              pathName yview index
                     Adjusts  the  view  in  the window so that the list entry
                     given by index is displayed at the top of the window.

              pathName yview moveto fraction
                     Adjusts the view in the window so  that  the  list  entry
                     given by fraction appears at the top of the window. Frac-
                     tion is a fraction between 0 and 1; 0 indicates the first
                     entry  in  the  TList, 0.33 indicates the entry one-third
                     the way through the TList, and so on.

              pathName yview scroll number what
                     This command adjust the view in the  window  up  or  down
                     according to number and what.  Number must be an integer.
                     What must be either units or pages.  If  what  is  units,
                     the  view  adjusts  up  or down by number lines; if it is
                     pages then the view adjusts  by  number  screenfuls.   If
                     number  is  negative then earlier entries become visible;
                     if it is positive then later entries become visible.

       [1]    If the -selectmode is "browse", when the user  drags  the  mouse
              pointer  over the list entries, the entry under the pointer will
              be highlighted and the -browsecmd procedure will be called  with
              one  parameter,  the  index  of  the highlighted entry. Only one
              entry can be highlighted at a time. The -command procedure  will
              be called when the user double-clicks on a list entry.

       [2]    If  the  -selectmode is "single", the entries will only be high-
              lighted by mouse <ButtonRelease-1> events. When a new list entry
              is highlighted, the -browsecmd procedure will be called with one
              parameter indicating the highlighted list  entry.  The  -command
              procedure  will  be called when the user double-clicks on a list

       [3]    If the -selectmode is "multiple", when the user drags the  mouse
              pointer over the list entries, all the entries under the pointer
              will be highlighted. However, only a contiguous region  of  list
              entries  can  be selected. When the highlighted area is changed,
              the -browsecmd procedure will be called with an undefined param-
              eter.  It  is  the responsibility of the -browsecmd procedure to
              find out the exact highlighted selection in the TList. The -com-
              mand  procedure  will be called when the user double-clicks on a
              list entry.

       [4]    If the -selectmode is "extended", when the user drags the  mouse
              pointer over the list entries, all the entries under the pointer
              will be highlighted. The user can also  make  disjointed  selec-
              tions  using  <Control-ButtonPress-1>. When the highlighted area
              is changed, the -browsecmd procedure  will  be  called  with  an
              undefined  parameter. It is the responsibility of the -browsecmd
              procedure to find out the exact  highlighted  selection  in  the
              TList.  The -command procedure will be called when the user dou-
              ble-clicks on a list entry.

       This example demonstrates how to use an TList to store a list  of  num-

              set image [tix getimage folder]
              set t [tixTList .t -orient vertical]
              $t insert end -itemtype imagetext -image $image -text one
              $t insert end -itemtype imagetext -image $image -text two
              $t insert end -itemtype imagetext -image $image -text three
              $t insert end -itemtype imagetext -image $image -text four
              $t insert end -itemtype imagetext -image $image -text five
              $t insert end -itemtype imagetext -image $image -text six
              pack $t -expand yes -fill both

       Tix(n), Tabular Listbox, Display Items

Tix                                   4.0                          tixTList(n)