
tixComboBox(n)               Tix Built-In Commands              tixComboBox(n)


       tixComboBox - Create and manipulate tixComboBox widgets

       tixComboBox pathName ?options?

       The  TixComboBox  class  is  derived  from the TixLabelWidget class and
       inherits all the commands, options and subwidgets of its super-class.

       TixComboBox supports all the standard options of a frame  widget.   See
       the options(n) manual entry for details on the standard options.

       Command-Line Name:-anchor
       Database Name:  anchor
       Database Class: Anchor

              Specifies  how  the  string inside the entry subwidget should be
              aligned.  Only the values "w" or "e" are allowed. When  set  the
              "w",  the entry is aligned to its beginning. When set to "e", it
              is aligned to its end.

       Command-Line Name:-arrowbitmap
       Database Name:  arrowBitmap
       Database Class: ArrowBitmap

              Specifies the bitmap to be used in the arrow button  beside  the
              entry  widget.  The  default  is an downward arrow bitmap in the
              file $tix_library/bitmaps/cbxarrow

       Command-Line Name:-browsecmd
       Database Name:  browseCmd
       Database Class: BrowseCmd

              Specifies the command to be called when the user browses through
              the  listbox.  This command can be used to provide instant feed-
              back when the user examines items in the listbox before  commit-
              ting a choice.

       Command-Line Name:-command
       Database Name:  command
       Database Class: Command

              Specifies  the command to be called when the ComboBox is invoked
              or when the -value of the ComboBox is changed.

       Command-Line Name:-crossbitmap
       Database Name:  crossBitmap
       Database Class: CrossBitmap

              Specifies the bitmap to be used in the  "cross"  button  to  the
              left  of  the  entry widget. The default is a bitmap in the file

       Command-Line Name:-disablecallback
       Database Name:  disableCallback
       Database Class: DisableCallback

              A boolean value indicating whether callbacks should be disabled.
              When  set  to  true,  the  TCL command specified by the -command
              option  is  not  executed  when  the  -value  of  the  ComboBox.

       Command-Line Name:-disabledforeground
       Database Name:  disabledforeground
       Database Class: DisabledForeground

              Specifies  the  foreground color to be used when the ComboBox is

       Command-Line Name:-dropdown
       Database Name:  dropdown
       Database Class: Dropdown

              A Boolean value specifying the style of the ComboBox.  When  set
              to  "true",  the  listbox is only displayed temporarily when the
              arrow button is pressed. When set to  "false",  the  listbox  is
              always displayed.

       Command-Line Name:-editable
       Database Name:  editable
       Database Class: Editable

              Specifies  whether  the  user  is allowed to type into the entry
              subwidget of the ComboBox.

       Command-Line Name:-fancy
       Database Name:  fancy
       Database Class: Fancy

              A Boolean value specifying whether the  cross  and  tick  button
              subwidgets should be shown.

       Command-Line Name:-grab
       Database Name:  grab
       Database Class: Grab

              Specifies the pointer grabbing policy when the listbox is popped
              up.  Only values "global", "local" or  "none"  are  allowed.  By
              default  global  grab  is used. However, when you are developing
              your application, you may want to use  only  local  grabbing  so
              that  in the event of errors, your X display won't be locked up.

       Name:           historyLimit
       Class:          historyLimit
       Switch:         -historylimit
       Alias:          -histlimit

              Specifies how many previous user inputs can  be  stored  in  the
              history list.

       Command-Line Name:-history
       Database Name:  history
       Database Class: History

              A  Boolean  value specifying whether previous user inputs should
              be stored in the history list.

       Command-Line Name:-label
       Database Name:  label
       Database Class: Label

              Specifies the string to display as the label  of  this  ComboBox

       Command-Line Name:-labelside
       Database Name:  labelSide
       Database Class: LabelSide

              Specifies  where  the  label should be displayed relative to the
              entry subwidget. Valid options are: top,  left,  right,  bottom,
              none or acrosstop.

       Command-Line Name:-listcmd
       Database Name:  listCmd
       Database Class: listCmd

              Specifies a TCL command to be called every time when the listbox
              pops up. This option allows you  to  fill  up  the  listbox  on-
              demand.  This  option  is ignored when the listbox is not in the
              dropdown style.

       Command-Line Name:-listwidth
       Database Name:  listWidth
       Database Class: listWidth

              If set, this option controls the width of the listbox  subwidget
              when  it is popped up. The option is ignored when the listbox is
              not in the dropdown style.

       Command-Line Name:-prunehistory
       Database Name:  prunehistory
       Database Class: PruneHistory

              Specifies whether duplicated  previous  user  inputs  should  be
              pruned  from  the  the  history  list.  Only  Boolean values are

       Command-Line Name:-selection
       Database Name:  selection
       Database Class: Selection

              Contains the selection in the ComboBox (the string displayed  in
              the  entry  subwidget). Depending on the -selectmode, the selec-
              tion of a ComboBox may be different than its -value.

       Command-Line Name:-selection
       Database Name:  selection
       Database Class: Selection

              This option stores the temporary selection. When the user  types
              in a text string inside the entry widget, that string is consid-
              ered as a temporary input and is stored  inside  the  -selection
              option.  The -value option is updated only when the user presses
              the return key.

       Command-Line Name:-selectmode
       Database Name:  selectMode
       Database Class: SelectMode

              Specifies the how the combobox  responds  to  the  mouse  button
              events  in  the  listbox  subwidget;  can  eithet be "browse" or
              "immediate". The default -selectmode is "browse". See the  BIND-
              INGS section below.

       Command-Line Name:-state
       Database Name:  state
       Database Class: State

              Specifies  the whether the ComboBox is normal or disabled.  Only
              the values "normal" and "disabled" are recognized.

       Command-Line Name:-tickbitmap
       Database Name:  tickBitmap
       Database Class: tickBitmap

              Specifies the bitmap to be used in the "tick" button to the left
              of  the  entry  widget.  The  default  is  a  bitmap in the file

       Command-Line Name:-validatecmd
       Database Name:  validateCmd
       Database Class: ValidateCmd

              Specifies a TCL command to be called when the -value of the Com-
              boBox is about to change. This command is called with one param-
              eter -- the new -value entered by the user. This command  is  to
              validate this new value by returning a value it deems valid.

       Command-Line Name:-value
       Database Name:  value
       Database Class: Value

              Specifies  the  string to be displayed in the entry subwidget of
              the ComboBox. When queried, the returned value is the last value
              selected  by  the  user.  When the -value option is changed as a
              result of the config -value  widget  command,  the  TCL  command
              specified by the -command option is called.

       Command-Line Name:-variable
       Database Name:  variable
       Database Class: Variable

              Specifies the global variable in which the value of the ComboBox
              should be stored. The value of the ComboBox  will  be  automati-
              cally updated when this variable is changed.

       Name:           arrow
       Class:          Button

              The down arrow button.

       Name:           cross
       Class:          Button

              The cross button. Available only when -fancy is set.

       Name:           entry
       Class:          Entry

              The entry that shows the value of this tixControl.

       Name:           label
       Class:          Label

              The label subwidget.

       Name:           listbox
       Class:          Listbox

              The listbox that holds all the list entries.

       Name:           slistbox
       Class:          TixScrolledListBox

              The scrolled-listbox that provides the scrollbars.

       Name:           tick
       Class:          Button

              The tick button. Available only when -fancy is set.

       The  tixComboBox  command  creates  a new window (given by the pathName
       argument) and makes it into a tixComboBox widget.  Additional  options,
       described  above, may be specified on the command line or in the option
       database to configure aspects of the ComboBox such as  its  cursor  and

       The  Tix ComboBox widget is similar to the combo box control in MS Win-
       dows. The user can select a choice by either typing in the entry subwd-
       get or selecting from the listbox subwidget.

       The  tixComboBox  command  creates  a new Tcl command whose name is the
       same as the path name of the ComboBox's window.  This  command  may  be
       used  to  invoke various operations on the widget. It has the following
       general form:
                     pathName option ?arg arg ...?
       PathName is the name of the command, which is the same as the  ComboBox
       widget's path name. Option and the args determine the exact behavior of
       the command.  The following commands are possible for ComboBox widgets:

       pathName addhistory string
              Add the string to the beinning of the listbox.

       pathName appendhistory string
              Append the string to the end of the listbox.

       pathName cget option
              Returns  the  current value of the configuration option given by
              option.  Option may have any of the values accepted by the  tix-
              ComboBox command.

       pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
              Query  or modify the configuration options of the widget.  If no
              option is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail-
              able  options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for information
              on the format of this list).  If option  is  specified  with  no
              value,  then the command returns a list describing the one named
              option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist
              of  the  value  returned  if no option is specified).  If one or
              more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies
              the  given  widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this
              case the command returns an empty string.  Option may  have  any
              of the values accepted by the tixComboBox command.

       pathName flash index string
              Flashes the ComboBox. flash is usually called by a -command pro-
              cedure to acknowledge to the user that he has selected  a  value
              for the ComboBox.

       pathName insert index string
              Insert  the   string  into  the  listbox at the specified index.
              index must be a valid listbox index.

       pathName pick index
              Set the (index)th item in the listbox to be the current value of
              the  ComboBox. As a result, the value of the ComboBox is changed
              and the TCL command sepcified by the  -command  option  will  be

       pathName subwidget  name ?args?
              When no options are given, returns the pathname of the subwidget
              of the specified name.

              When options are given, the widget command of the specified sub-
              widget will be called with these options.

       [1]    If  the  -selectmode  is  "immediate",  when  the  user enters a
              keystroke, clicks on an item or drags the mouse pointer  in  the
              listbox,  the  -value of the ComboBox will be immediately set to
              this item and the -command procedure will be called.

       [2]    If  the  -selectmode  is  "browse",  when  the  user  enters   a
              keystroke,  clicks  on an item or drags the mouse pointer in the
              listbox, the -selection of the ComboBox will be immediately  set
              to  the  new content of the entry subwidget; also the -browsecmd
              procedure will be called. The -value option will be changed only
              when  the user invokes the ComboBox (see [3] below). If the user
              presses the <Escape> key at any time, any new -selection will be
              ignored and the text inside the entry subwidget will be restored
              to the current -value of the ComboBox.

       [3]    If the -dropdown option is true, the user can  invoke  the  Com-
              boBox  by  releasing the left mouse button over the desired item
              in the listbox. If the -dropdown option is false, the  user  can
              invoke  the ComboBox by double-clicking over the desired item in
              the listbox. In both cases, the user can also invoke the listbox
              by  pressing  the <Return> or <Tab> key inside the entry subwid-
              get, or switching the input focus to another widget  inside  the
              same toplevel widget

       Starting  from  Tix  vetsion 4.0, the default -value of the ComboBox is
       the empty string. If you want the ComboBox to show a string by default,
       you must configure its -value option explicitly.

       Tix(n), ComboBox(n), listbox(n)

Tix                                   4.0                       tixComboBox(n)