
OPEN(2)                          System calls                          OPEN(2)

       open, creat - open and possibly create a file or device

       #include <sys/types.h>
       #include <sys/stat.h>
       #include <fcntl.h>

       int open(const char *pathname, int flags);
       int open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);
       int creat(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);

       The  open()  system  call  is  used  to  convert a pathname into a file
       descriptor (a small, non-negative integer for use in subsequent I/O  as
       with  read,  write,  etc.).   When  the  call  is  successful, the file
       descriptor returned will be the lowest file  descriptor  not  currently
       open  for  the  process.  This call creates a new open file, not shared
       with any other process.  (But shared  open  files  may  arise  via  the
       fork(2)  system  call.)   The new file descriptor is set to remain open
       across exec functions (see fcntl(2)).  The file offset is  set  to  the
       beginning of the file.

       The  parameter  flags  is  one  of  O_RDONLY,  O_WRONLY or O_RDWR which
       request opening the file read-only, write-only or  read/write,  respec-
       tively, bitwise-or'd with zero or more of the following:

              If  the file does not exist it will be created.  The owner (user
              ID) of the file is set to the effective user ID of the  process.
              The  group  ownership  (group ID) is set either to the effective
              group ID of the process or to the group ID of the parent  direc-
              tory  (depending  on  filesystem type and mount options, and the
              mode of the parent directory, see, e.g., the mount options  bsd-
              groups  and  sysvgroups  of the ext2 filesystem, as described in

       O_EXCL When used with O_CREAT, if the file  already  exists  it  is  an
              error  and  the open will fail. In this context, a symbolic link
              exists, regardless of where its points to.  O_EXCL is broken  on
              NFS file systems, programs which rely on it for performing lock-
              ing tasks will contain a race condition.  The solution for  per-
              forming  atomic  file  locking  using  a lockfile is to create a
              unique file on the same fs  (e.g.,  incorporating  hostname  and
              pid),  use  link(2)  to  make  a link to the lockfile. If link()
              returns 0, the lock is successful.  Otherwise,  use  stat(2)  on
              the  unique  file to check if its link count has increased to 2,
              in which case the lock is also successful.

              If pathname refers to a terminal device ¿ see tty(4) ¿  it  will
              not  become  the process's controlling terminal even if the pro-
              cess does not have one.

              If the file already exists and is a regular file  and  the  open
              mode  allows  writing  (i.e.,  is O_RDWR or O_WRONLY) it will be
              truncated to length 0.  If the file is a FIFO or terminal device
              file,  the  O_TRUNC  flag  is  ignored.  Otherwise the effect of
              O_TRUNC is unspecified.  (On many  Linux  versions  it  will  be
              ignored; on other versions it will return an error.)

              The  file  is opened in append mode. Before each write, the file
              pointer is positioned at the end of the file, as if with  lseek.
              O_APPEND may lead to corrupted files on NFS file systems if more
              than one process appends data  to  a  file  at  once.   This  is
              because  NFS does not support appending to a file, so the client
              kernel has to simulate it, which can't be done  without  a  race

              When  possible, the file is opened in non-blocking mode. Neither
              the open nor any subsequent operations on  the  file  descriptor
              which  is  returned will cause the calling process to wait.  For
              the handling of FIFOs (named pipes),  see  also  fifo(4).   This
              mode need not have any effect on files other than FIFOs.

       O_SYNC The  file  is  opened  for  synchronous  I/O.  Any writes on the
              resulting file descriptor will block the calling  process  until
              the data has been physically written to the underlying hardware.
              See RESTRICTIONS below, though.

              If pathname is a symbolic link, then the open fails.  This is  a
              FreeBSD  extension, which was added to Linux in version 2.1.126.
              Symbolic links in earlier components of the pathname will  still
              be followed.  The headers from glibc 2.0.100 and later include a
              definition of this flag; kernels before 2.1.126 will  ignore  it
              if used.

              If  pathname  is  not a directory, cause the open to fail.  This
              flag is Linux-specific, and was added in kernel version 2.1.126,
              to avoid denial-of-service problems if opendir(3) is called on a
              FIFO or tape device, but should  not  be  used  outside  of  the
              implementation of opendir.

              Try  to minimize cache effects of the I/O to and from this file.
              In general this will degrade performance, but it  is  useful  in
              special  situations,  such  as  when  applications  do their own
              caching.  File I/O is done directly to/from user space  buffers.
              The  I/O  is synchronous, i.e., at the completion of the read(2)
              or write(2) system call, data is guaranteed to have been  trans-
              ferred.   Transfer  sizes,  and the alignment of user buffer and
              file offset must all be multiples of the logical block  size  of
              the file system.
              This flag is supported on a number of Unix-like systems; support
              was added under Linux in kernel version 2.4.10.
              A semantically similar interface for block devices is  described
              in raw(8).

              Generate a signal (SIGIO by default, but this can be changed via
              fcntl(2)) when input or output becomes  possible  on  this  file
              descriptor.   This  feature  is  only  available  for terminals,
              pseudo-terminals, and sockets. See fcntl(2) for further details.

              On  32-bit  systems  that  support the Large Files System, allow
              files whose sizes cannot be represented in 31 bits to be opened.

       Some  of these optional flags can be altered using fcntl after the file
       has been opened.

       The argument mode specifies the permissions to use in case a  new  file
       is created. It is modified by the process's umask in the usual way: the
       permissions of the created file are (mode & ~umask).   Note  that  this
       mode  only  applies  to  future accesses of the newly created file; the
       open call that creates a read-only file may well  return  a  read/write
       file descriptor.

       The following symbolic constants are provided for mode:

              00700 user (file owner) has read, write and execute permission

       S_IRUSR (S_IREAD)
              00400 user has read permission

              00200 user has write permission

       S_IXUSR (S_IEXEC)
              00100 user has execute permission

              00070 group has read, write and execute permission

              00040 group has read permission

              00020 group has write permission

              00010 group has execute permission

              00007 others have read, write and execute permission

              00004 others have read permission

              00002 others have write permisson

              00001 others have execute permission

       mode  must  be  specified  when O_CREAT is in the flags, and is ignored

       creat    is    equivalent    to    open    with    flags    equal    to

       open  and  creat  return  the  new  file  descriptor, or -1 if an error
       occurred (in which case, errno is set appropriately).  Note  that  open
       can  open  device  special  files,  but  creat cannot create them - use
       mknod(2) instead.

       On NFS file systems with UID mapping enabled, open may  return  a  file
       descriptor  but  e.g. read(2) requests are denied with EACCES.  This is
       because the client performs open by checking the permissions,  but  UID
       mapping is performed by the server upon read and write requests.

       If the file is newly created, its atime, ctime, mtime fields are set to
       the current time, and so are the ctime and mtime fields of  the  parent
       directory.   Otherwise,  if the file is modified because of the O_TRUNC
       flag, its ctime and mtime fields are set to the current time.

       EEXIST pathname already exists and O_CREAT and O_EXCL were used.

       EISDIR pathname refers to a directory and the access requested involved
              writing (that is, O_WRONLY or O_RDWR is set).

       EACCES The  requested  access to the file is not allowed, or one of the
              directories in pathname did not allow search  (execute)  permis-
              sion, or the file did not exist yet and write access to the par-
              ent directory is not allowed.

              pathname was too long.

       ENOENT O_CREAT is not set and the named file does  not  exist.   Or,  a
              directory  component in pathname does not exist or is a dangling
              symbolic link.

              A component used as a directory in pathname is not, in  fact,  a
              directory,  or  O_DIRECTORY was specified and pathname was not a

       ENXIO  O_NONBLOCK | O_WRONLY is set, the named file is a  FIFO  and  no
              process has the file open for reading.  Or, the file is a device
              special file and no corresponding device exists.

       ENODEV pathname refers to a device special file  and  no  corresponding
              device  exists.  (This is a Linux kernel bug - in this situation
              ENXIO must be returned.)

       EROFS  pathname refers to a file on a read-only  filesystem  and  write
              access was requested.

              pathname  refers to an executable image which is currently being
              executed and write access was requested.

       EFAULT pathname points outside your accessible address space.

       ELOOP  Too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving  pathname,
              or O_NOFOLLOW was specified but pathname was a symbolic link.

       ENOSPC pathname  was  to  be created but the device containing pathname
              has no room for the new file.

       ENOMEM Insufficient kernel memory was available.

       EMFILE The process already has the maximum number of files open.

       ENFILE The limit on the total number of files open on  the  system  has
              been reached.

       SVr4, SVID, POSIX, X/OPEN, BSD 4.3 The O_NOFOLLOW and O_DIRECTORY flags
       are Linux-specific.  One may have to define the  _GNU_SOURCE  macro  to
       get their definitions.

       There  are  many infelicities in the protocol underlying NFS, affecting
       amongst others O_SYNC and O_NDELAY.

       POSIX provides for three different variants of synchronised I/O, corre-
       sponding to the flags O_SYNC, O_DSYNC and O_RSYNC.  Currently (2.1.130)
       these are all synonymous under Linux.

       read(2), write(2), fcntl(2),  close(2),  link(2),  mknod(2),  mount(2),
       stat(2), umask(2), unlink(2), socket(2), fopen(3), fifo(4)

Linux                             1999-06-03                           OPEN(2)