
LVCREATE(8)                                                        LVCREATE(8)

       lvcreate - create a logical volume in an existing volume group

       lvcreate  [-A|--autobackup  {y|n}] [-C|--contiguous {y|n}] [-d|--debug]
       [-h|--help]  [-i|--stripes  StripesI]  [-I|--stripesize   StripeSizeI]]
       {-l|--extents  LogicalExtentsNumber| -L|--size LogicalVolumeSize[kKmMg-
       GtT]}     [-n|--name     LogicalVolumeName]     [-p|--permission{r|rw}]
       [-r|--readahead  ReadAheadSectors]  [-v|--verbose][-Z|--zero{y|n}] Vol-
       umeGroupName [PhysicalVolumePath...]

       lvcreate {-l/--extents LogicalExtentsNumber |
        -L/--size  LogicalVolumeSize[kKmMgGtT]}   [-c/--chunksize   ChunkSize]
       -s/--snapshot  -n/--name  SnapshotLogicalVolumeName OriginalLogicalVol-
       umePath [PhysicalVolumePath...]

       lvcreate creates a new logical volume in a volume group  (  see  vgcre-
       ate(8), vgchange(8) ) by allocating logical extents from the free phys-
       ical extent pool of that volume group.  If there are  not  enough  free
       physical  extents  then  the  volume  group can be extended ( see vgex-
       tend(8) ) with other physical volumes or by reducing  existing  logical
       volumes of this volume group in size ( see lvreduce(8), e2fsadm(8) ).
       The second form supports the creation of snapshot logical volumes which
       keep the contents of the original logical volume for backup purposes.

       -A, --autobackup {y|n}
              Controls automatic backup of VG metadata after the change (  see
              vgcfgbackup(8) ).
              Default is yes.

       -c, --chunksize ChunkSize
              Power of 2 chunk size for the snapshot logical volume between 4k
              and 1024k.

       -C, --contiguous y/n
              Sets or resets the contiguous allocation policy for logical vol-
              umes.  Default  is no contiguous allocation based on a next free

       -d, --debug
              Enables additional debugging output (if compiled with DEBUG).

       -h, --help
              Print a usage message on standard output and exit  successfully.

       -i, --stripes Stripes
              Gives  the  number  of  stripes.  This is equal to the number of
              physical volumes to scatter the logical volume.

       -I, --stripesize StripeSize
              Gives the  number  of  kilobytes  for  the  granularity  of  the
              StripeSize must be 2^n (n = 2 to 9)

       -l, --extents LogicalExtentsNumber
              Gives the number of logical extents to allocate for the new log-
              ical volume.

       -L, --size LogicalVolumeSize[kKmMgGtT]
              Gives the size to allocate for the new logical volume.   A  size
              suffix of K for kilobytes, M for megabytes, G for gigabytes or T
              for terabytes is optional.
              Default unit is megabytes.

       -n, --name LogicalVolumeName
              The name for the new logical volume.
              Without this option a default names of "lvol#" will be generated
              where # is the LVM internal number of the logical volume.

       -p, --permission r/w
              Set access permissions to read only or read and write.
              Default is read and write.

       -r, --readahead ReadAheadSectors
              Set  read  ahead  sector count of this logical volume to a value
              between 2 and 120.

       -s, --snapshot
              Create a snapshot logical volume (or snapshot) for an  existing,
              so  called  original logical volume (or origin).  Snapshots pro-
              vide a 'frozen image' of the contents of the  origin  while  the
              origin  can still be updated. They enable consistent backups and
              online recovery of removed/overwritten data/files. The  snapshot
              does  not  need  the same amount of storage the origin has. In a
              typical scenario, 15-20% might be enough. In case  the  snapshot
              runs  out  of  storage,  use lvextend(8) to grow it. Shrinking a
              snapshot is supported by lvreduce(8) as well.  Run  lvdisplay(8)
              on  the snapshot in order to check how much data is allocated to

       -v, --verbose
              Gives verbose information about lvcreate's activities.

       -Z, --zero y/n
              Controls zeroing of the first KB of data in the new logical vol-
              Default is yes.

              Warning:  trying  to  mount an unzeroed logical volume can cause
              the system to hang.

       "lvcreate -i 3 -I 8 -L 100 vg00" tries to create a striped logical vol-
       ume with 3 stripes, a stripesize of 8KB and a size of 100MB in the vol-
       ume group named vg00. The logical volume name will be chosen by  lvcre-

       "lvcreate --size 100m --snapshot --name snap /dev/vg00/lvol1"
       creates a snapshot logical volume named /dev/vg00/snap which has access
       to the contents of the original logical volume named /dev/vg00/lvol1 at
       snapshot  logical  volume creation time. If the original logical volume
       contains a file system, you can mount the snapshot logical volume on an
       arbitrary  directory  in order to access the contents of the filesystem
       to run a backup while the original filesystem is updated.

       lvcreate returns an exit code of 0 for success or > 0 for error:

       1  invalid volume group name
       2  error checking existence of volume group
       3  volume group inactive
       4  invalid logical volume name
       5  error getting status of logical volume
       6  error checking existence of logical volume
       7  invalid physical volume name
       8  invalid number of physical volumes
       9  invalid number of stripes
       10 invalid stripe size
       11 error getting status of volume group
       12 invalid logical volume size
       13 invalid number of free physical extents
       14 more stripes than physical volumes requested
       15 error reading VGDA
       16 requested physical volume not in volume group
       17 error reading physical volume
       18 maximum number of logical volumes exceeded
       19 not enoungh space available to create logical volume
       20 error setting up VGDA for logical volume creation
       21 error creating VGDA for logical volume in kernel
       22 error writing VGDA to physical volume(s)
       23 error creating device special for logical volume
       24 error opening logical volume
       25 error writing to logical volume
       26 invalid read ahead sector count
       27 no free logical volume manager block specials available
       28 invalid snapshot logical volume name
       29 error setting up snapshot copy on write exception table
       30 error initializing snapshot copy on write exception table on disk
       31 error getting status of logical volume from kernel
       32 snapshot already exists

       95 driver/module not in kernel
       96 invalid I/O protocol version
       97 error locking logical volume manager
       98 invalid lvmtab (run vgscan(8))
       99 invalid command line

              If this variable is set to "no" then the automatic backup of  VG
              metadata is turned off.

              This  variable  determines the backup history depth of kept VGDA
              copy files in /etc/lvmconf. It can be set to a  positive  number
              between  0 and 999.  The higher this number is, the more changes
              you can restore using vgcfgrestore(8).

              The default Volume Group Name  to  use.  Setting  this  variable
              enables  you  to  enter just the Logical Volume Name rather than
              its complete path.

See also
       lvm(8), vgcreate(8), lvremove(8), lvrename(8),
       lvextend(8), lvreduce(8), lvdisplay(8), lvscan(8),
       lvmsadc(8), lvmsar(8)

       Heinz Mauelshagen <>

Heinz Mauelshagen                  LVM TOOLS                       LVCREATE(8)