
ISOSIZE(8)                         SG_UTILS                         ISOSIZE(8)

       isosize - outputs the length of a iso9660 file system

       isosize [-x] [-d <num>] <iso9660_image_file>...

       This  command outputs the length of an iso9660 file system that is con-
       tained in given file. That file may be a normal file or a block  device
       (e.g. /dev/hdd or /dev/sr0). In the absence of any switches (or errors)
       it will output the size of the iso9660 file system in bytes.  This  can
       now be a large number (> > 4 GB).

       -x     output  in  humanly  readable form the block count and the block
              size. Output uses the term "sectors" for "blocks".

       -d <num>
              only has affect when "-x" is not given. The number output (if no
              errors)  is  the iso9660 file size in bytes divided by <num>. So
              if <num> is the block size then the output number  will  be  the
              block count.

       The  size  of  the file (or block device) holding a iso9660 file system
       can be marginally larger than the actual size of the iso9660 file  sys-
       tem.  One  reason  for  this is that cd writers are allowed to add "run
       out" sectors at the end of a iso9660 image.

sg3_utils-0.91                   December 2000                      ISOSIZE(8)