gimpprint-mediasizes - Gimp-Print media sizes
Gimp-Print supports many different media (paper) sizes. All of the
currently supported media sizes are listed below. The default media
size is "Letter".
Common English paper sizes
Media Size Description Comment x(pt) y(pt)
Letter Letter 8.5in x 11in 612 792
Legal Legal 8.5in x 14in 612 1008
Tabloid Tabloid 11in x 17in 792 1224
Executive Executive 7.25in x 10.5in 522 756
Postcard Postcard 100mm x 147mm 283 416
w216h360 3x5 216 360
w288h432 4x6 288 432
w324h495 Epson 4x6 Photo Paper 324 495
w360h504 5x7 360 504
w360h576 5x8 360 576
8x10 8x10 576 720
Statement Manual 5.5in x 8.5in 396 612
TabloidExtra 12x18 864 1296
SuperB 13x19 936 1368
Common photographic paper sizes
Media Size Description Comment x(pt) y(pt)
w576h864 8x12 Sometimes used for 35 mm 576 864
w792h1008 11x14 792 1008
w1152h1440 16x20 1152 1440
w1152h1728 16x24 20x24 for 35 mm 1152 1728
w1440h1728 20x24 1440 1728
w1440h2160 20x30 24x30 for 35 mm 1440 2160
w1728h2160 24x30 1728 2160
w1728h2592 24x36 Sometimes used for 35 mm 1728 2592
w2160h2880 30x40 2160 2880
International Paper Sizes (mostly taken from BS4000:1968)
"A" series: Paper and boards, trimmed sizes.
"A" sizes are in the ratio 1 : sqrt(2). A0 has a total area of 1
square metre. Everything is rounded to the nearest millimetre. Thus,
A0 is 841mm x 1189mm. Every other A size is obtained by doubling or
halving another A size.
Media Size Description Comment x(pt) y(pt)
w4768h6749 4A 1682mm x 2378mm 4768 6749
w3370h4768 2A 1189mm x 1682mm 3370 4768
A0 A0 841mm x 1189mm 2384 3370
A1 A1 594mm x 841mm 1684 2384
A2 A2 420mm x 594mm 1191 1684
A3 A3 297mm x 420mm 842 1191
A4 A4 210mm x 297mm 595 842
A5 A5 148mm x 210mm 420 595
A6 A6 105mm x 148mm 297 420
A7 A7 74mm x 105mm 210 297
A8 A8 52mm x 74mm 148 210
A9 A9 37mm x 52mm 105 148
A10 A10 26mm x 37mm 73 105
Stock sizes for normal trims. Allowance for trim is 3 millimetres.
w2437h3458 RA0 860mm x 1220mm 2437 3458
w1729h2437 RA1 610mm x 860mm 1729 2437
w1218h1729 RA2 430mm x 610mm 1218 1729
w864h1218 RA3 305mm x 430mm 864 1218
w609h864 RA4 215mm x 305mm 609 864
Stock sizes for bled work or extra trims.
w2551h3628 SRA0 900mm x 1280mm 2551 3628
w1814h2551 SRA1 640mm x 900mm 1814 2551
w1275h1814 SRA2 450mm x 640mm 1275 1814
w907h1275 SRA3 320mm x 450mm 907 1275
w637h907 SRA4 225mm x 320mm 637 907
"B" series: Posters, wall charts and similar items.
Media Size Description Comment x(pt) y(pt)
w5669h8016 4B ISO 2000mm x 2828mm 5669 8016
w4008h5669 2B ISO 1414mm x 2000mm 4008 5669
ISOB0 B0 ISO 1000mm x 1414mm 2834 4008
ISOB1 B1 ISO 707mm x 1000mm 2004 2834
ISOB2 B2 ISO 500mm x 707mm 1417 2004
ISOB3 B3 ISO 353mm x 500mm 1000 1417
ISOB4 B4 ISO 250mm x 353mm 708 1000
ISOB5 B5 ISO 176mm x 250mm 498 708
ISOB6 B6 ISO 125mm x 176mm 354 498
ISOB7 B7 ISO 88mm x 125mm 249 354
ISOB8 B8 ISO 62mm x 88mm 175 249
ISOB9 B9 ISO 44mm x 62mm 124 175
ISOB10 B10 ISO 31mm x 44mm 87 124
B0 B0 JIS 2919 4127
B1 B1 JIS 2063 2919
B2 B2 JIS 1459 2063
B3 B3 JIS 1029 1459
B4 B4 JIS 727 1029
B5 B5 JIS 518 727
B6 B6 JIS 362 518
B7 B7 JIS 257 362
B8 B8 JIS 180 257
B9 B9 JIS 127 180
B10 B10 JIS 90 127
"C" series: Envelopes or folders suitable for A size stationery.
Media Size Description Comment x(pt) y(pt)
C0 C0 917mm x 1297mm 2599 3676
C1 C1 648mm x 917mm 1836 2599
C2 C2 458mm x 648mm 1298 1836
C3 C3 324mm x 458mm 918 1298
C4 C4 229mm x 324mm 649 918
C5 C5 162mm x 229mm 459 649
w354h918 B6-C4 125mm x 324mm 354 918
C6 C6 114mm x 162mm 323 459
DL DL 110mm x 220mm 311 623
w229h459 C7-6 81mm x 162mm 229 459
C7 C7 81mm x 114mm 229 323
C8 C8 57mm x 81mm 161 229
C9 C9 40mm x 57mm 113 161
C10 C10 28mm x 40mm 79 113
US CAD standard paper sizes
Media Size Description Comment x(pt) y(pt)
ARCHA ArchA 9x12in 648 864
ARCHA_transverse ArchA transverse 12x9in 864 648
ARCHB ArchB 12x18in 864 1296
ARCHB_transverse ArchB transverse 18x12in 1296 864
ARCHC ArchC 18x24in 1296 1728
ARCHC_transverse ArchC transverse 24x18in 1728 1296
ARCHD ArchD 24x36in 1728 2592
ARCHD_transverse ArchD transverse 36x24in 2592 1728
ARCHE ArchE 36x48in 2592 3456
ARCHE_transverse ArchE transverse 48x36in 3456 2592
Media Size Description Comment x(pt) y(pt)
w612h936 American foolscap 612 936
w648h936 European foolscap 648 936
Sizes for book production
The BPIF and the Publishers Association jointly recommend ten standard
metric sizes for case-bound titles as follows:
Media Size Description Comment x(pt) y(pt)
w535h697 Crown Quarto 189mm x 246mm 535 697
w569h731 Large Crown Quarto 201mm x 258mm 569 731
w620h782 Demy Quarto 219mm x 276mm 620 782
w671h884 Royal Quarto 237mm x 312mm 671 884
w348h527 Crown Octavo 123mm x 186mm 348 527
w365h561 Large Crown Octavo 129mm x 198mm 365 561
w391h612 Demy Octavo 138mm x 216mm 391 612
w442h663 Royal Octavo 156mm x 234mm 442 663
Paperback sizes in common usage
Media Size Description Comment x(pt) y(pt)
w314h504 Small paperback 111mm x 178mm 314 504
w314h513 Penguin small paperback 111mm x 181mm 314 513
w365h561 Penguin large paperback 129mm x 198mm 365 561
Miscellaneous sizes
Media Size Description Comment x(pt) y(pt)
w283h420 Hagaki Card 100 x 148 mm 283 420
w420h567 Oufuku Card 148 x 200 mm 420 567
w340h666 Long 3 Japanese long envelope #3 340 666
w255h581 Long 4 Japanese long envelope #4 255 581
w680h941 Kaku Japanese Kaku envelope #4 680 941
COM10 Commercial 10 US Commercial 10 env 297 684
w315h414 A2 Invitation US A2 invitation 315 414
Copyright (C) 2001 Michael Sweet ( and Robert Krawitz
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This manual page was written by Roger Leigh (roger@whinlat-
gimpprint-color(7), gimpprint-dithers(7), gimpprint-imagetypes(7),
gimpprint-inktypes(7), gimpprint-mediasources(7), gimpprint-medi-
atypes(7), gimpprint-models(7), gimpprint-resolutions(7).
Version 4.2.4 25 Nov 2002 GIMPPRINT-MEDIASIZES(7)