
ExtUtils::Constant(3)  Perl Programmers Reference Guide  ExtUtils::Constant(3)

       ExtUtils::Constant - generate XS code to import C header constants

           use ExtUtils::Constant qw (WriteConstants);
               NAME => 'Foo',
               NAMES => [qw(FOO BAR BAZ)],
           # Generates wrapper code to make the values of the constants FOO BAR BAZ
           #  available to perl

       ExtUtils::Constant facilitates generating C and XS wrapper code to
       allow perl modules to AUTOLOAD constants defined in C library header
       files.  It is principally used by the "h2xs" utility, on which this
       code is based.  It doesn't contain the routines to scan header files to
       extract these constants.

       Generally one only needs to call the "WriteConstants" function, and

           #include ""

       in the C section of "Foo.xs"


       in the XS section of "Foo.xs".

       For greater flexibility use "constant_types()", "C_constant" and
       "XS_constant", with which "WriteConstants" is implemented.

       Currently this module understands the following types. h2xs may only
       know a subset. The sizes of the numeric types are chosen by the "Con-
       figure" script at compile time.

       IV  signed integer, at least 32 bits.

       UV  unsigned integer, the same size as IV

       NV  floating point type, probably "double", possibly "long double"

       PV  NUL terminated string, length will be determined with "strlen"

       PVN A fixed length thing, given as a [pointer, length] pair. If you
           know the length of a string at compile time you may use this
           instead of PV

       SV  A mortal SV.

       YES Truth.  ("PL_sv_yes")  The value is not needed (and ignored).

       NO  Defined Falsehood.  ("PL_sv_no")  The value is not needed (and

           "undef".  The value of the macro is not needed.

       C_stringify NAME
           A function which returns a 7 bit ASCII correctly \ escaped version
           of the string passed suitable for C's "" or ''. It will die if
           passed Unicode characters.

       perl_stringify NAME
           A function which returns a 7 bit ASCII correctly \ escaped version
           of the string passed suitable for a perl "" string.

           A function returning a single scalar with "#define" definitions for
           the constants used internally between the generated C and XS func-

       memEQ_clause NAME, CHECKED_AT, INDENT
           A function to return a suitable C "if" statement to check whether
           NAME is equal to the C variable "name". If CHECKED_AT is defined,
           then it is used to avoid "memEQ" for short names, or to generate a
           comment to highlight the position of the character in the "switch"

           If CHECKED_AT is a reference to a scalar, then instead it gives the
           characters pre-checked at the beginning, (and the number of chars
           by which the C variable name has been advanced. These need to be
           chopped from the front of NAME).

       assign INDENT, TYPE, PRE, POST, VALUE...
           A function to return a suitable assignment clause. If TYPE is
           aggregate (eg PVN expects both pointer and length) then there
           should be multiple VALUEs for the components. PRE and POST if
           defined give snippets of C code to proceed and follow the assign-
           ment. PRE will be at the start of a block, so variables may be
           defined in it.

           return_clause ITEM, INDENT

           A function to return a suitable "#ifdef" clause. ITEM is a hashref
           (as passed to "C_constant" and "match_clause". INDENT is the number
           of spaces to indent, defaulting to 6.

           XXX document me

       switch_clause INDENT, NAMELEN, ITEMHASH, ITEM...
           An internal function to generate a suitable "switch" clause, called
           by "C_constant" ITEMs are in the hash ref format as given in the
           description of "C_constant", and must all have the names of the
           same length, given by NAMELEN (This is not checked).  ITEMHASH is a
           reference to a hash, keyed by name, values being the hashrefs in
           the ITEM list.  (No parameters are modified, and there can be keys
           in the ITEMHASH that are not in the list of ITEMs without causing

       params WHAT
           An internal function. WHAT should be a hashref of types the con-
           stant function will return. params returns a hashref keyed IV NV PV
           SV to show which combination of pointers will be needed in the C
           argument list.

           dump_names DEFAULT_TYPE, TYPES, INDENT, OPTIONS, ITEM...

           An internal function to generate the embedded perl code that will
           regenerate the constant subroutines.  DEFAULT_TYPE, TYPES and ITEMs
           are the same as for C_constant.  INDENT is treated as number of
           spaces to indent by.  OPTIONS is a hashref of options. Currently
           only "declare_types" is recognised.  If the value is true a $types
           is always declared in the perl code generated, if defined and false
           never declared, and if undefined $types is only declared if the
           values in TYPES as passed in cannot be inferred from DEFAULT_TYPES
           and the ITEMs.


           An internal function to generate the embedded perl code that will
           regenerate the constant subroutines.  Parameters are the same as
           for C_constant.


           A function that returns a list of C subroutine definitions that
           return the value and type of constants when passed the name by the
           XS wrapper.  ITEM... gives a list of constant names. Each can
           either be a string, which is taken as a C macro name, or a refer-
           ence to a hash with the following keys

           name    The name of the constant, as seen by the perl code.

           type    The type of the constant (IV, NV etc)

           value   A C expression for the value of the constant, or a list of
                   C expressions if the type is aggregate. This defaults to
                   the name if not given.

           macro   The C pre-processor macro to use in the "#ifdef". This
                   defaults to the name, and is mainly used if value is an
                   "enum". If a reference an array is passed then the first
                   element is used in place of the "#ifdef" line, and the sec-
                   ond element in place of the "#endif". This allows pre-pro-
                   cessor constructions such as

                       #if defined (foo)
                       #if !defined (bar)

                   to be used to determine if a constant is to be defined.

                   A "macro" 1 signals that the constant is always defined, so
                   the "#if"/"#endif" test is omitted.

           default Default value to use (instead of "croak"ing with "your ven-
                   dor has not defined...") to return if the macro isn't
                   defined. Specify a reference to an array with type followed
                   by value(s).

           pre     C code to use before the assignment of the value of the
                   constant. This allows you to use temporary variables to
                   extract a value from part of a "struct" and return this as
                   value. This C code is places at the start of a block, so
                   you can declare variables in it.

           post    C code to place between the assignment of value (to a tem-
                   porary) and the return from the function. This allows you
                   to clear up anything in pre.  Rarely needed.

           def_pre =item def_post
                   Equivalents of pre and post for the default value.

           utf8    Generated internally. Is zero or undefined if name is 7 bit
                   ASCII, "no" if the name is 8 bit (and so should only match
                   if SvUTF8() is false), "yes" if the name is utf8 encoded.

                   The internals automatically clone any name with characters
                   128-255 but none 256+ (ie one that could be either in bytes
                   or utf8) into a second entry which is utf8 encoded.

           PACKAGE is the name of the package, and is only used in comments
           inside the generated C code.

           The next 5 arguments can safely be given as "undef", and are mainly
           used for recursion. SUBNAME defaults to "constant" if undefined.

           DEFAULT_TYPE is the type returned by "ITEM"s that don't specify
           their type. In turn it defaults to IV. TYPES should be given either
           as a comma separated list of types that the C subroutine "constant"
           will generate or as a reference to a hash. DEFAULT_TYPE will be
           added to the list if not present, as will any types given in the
           list of ITEMs. The resultant list should be the same list of types
           that "XS_constant" is given. [Otherwise "XS_constant" and "C_con-
           stant" may differ in the number of parameters to the constant func-
           tion. INDENT is currently unused and ignored. In future it may be
           used to pass in information used to change the C indentation style
           used.]  The best way to maintain consistency is to pass in a hash
           reference and let this function update it.

           BREAKOUT governs when child functions of SUBNAME are generated.  If
           there are BREAKOUT or more ITEMs with the same length of name, then
           the code to switch between them is placed into a function named
           SUBNAME_LEN, for example "constant_5" for names 5 characters long.
           The default BREAKOUT is 3.  A single "ITEM" is always inlined.

           A function to generate the XS code to implement the perl subroutine
           PACKAGE::constant used by PACKAGE::AUTOLOAD to load constants.
           This XS code is a wrapper around a C subroutine usually generated
           by "C_constant", and usually named "constant".

           TYPES should be given either as a comma separated list of types
           that the C subroutine "constant" will generate or as a reference to
           a hash. It should be the same list of types as "C_constant" was
           given.  [Otherwise "XS_constant" and "C_constant" may have differ-
           ent ideas about the number of parameters passed to the C function

           You can call the perl visible subroutine something other than "con-
           stant" if you give the parameter SUBNAME. The C subroutine it calls
           defaults to the name of the perl visible subroutine, unless you
           give the parameter C_SUBNAME.

           A function to generate the AUTOLOAD subroutine for the module PACK-
           AGE VERSION is the perl version the code should be backwards com-
           patible with.  It defaults to the version of perl running the sub-
           routine.  If AUTOLOADER is true, the AUTOLOAD subroutine falls back
           on AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD for all names that the constant() routine
           doesn't recognise.

           WriteMakefileSnippet ATTRIBUTE => VALUE [, ...]

           A function to generate perl code for Makefile.PL that will regener-
           ate the constant subroutines.  Parameters are named as passed to
           "WriteConstants", with the addition of "INDENT" to specify the num-
           ber of leading spaces (default 2).

           Currently only "INDENT", "NAME", "DEFAULT_TYPE", "NAMES", "C_FILE"
           and "XS_FILE" are recognised.

       WriteConstants ATTRIBUTE => VALUE [, ...]
           Writes a file of C code and a file of XS code which you should
           "#include" and "INCLUDE" in the C and XS sections respectively of
           your module's XS code.  You probably want to do this in your "Make-
           file.PL", so that you can easily edit the list of constants without
           touching the rest of your module.  The attributes supported are

               Name of the module.  This must be specified

               The default type for the constants.  If not specified "IV" is

               The names of the constants are grouped by length.  Generate
               child subroutines for each group with this number or more names

               An array of constants' names, either scalars containing names,
               or hashrefs as detailed in "C_constant".

               The name of the file to write containing the C code.  The
               default is "".  The "-" in the name ensures that the
               file can't be mistaken for anything related to a legitimate
               perl package name, and not naming the file ".c" avoids having
               to override Makefile.PL's ".xs" to ".c" rules.

               The name of the file to write containing the XS code.  The
               default is "".

               The perl visible name of the XS subroutine generated which will
               return the constants. The default is "constant".

               The name of the C subroutine generated which will return the
               constants.  The default is SUBNAME.  Child subroutines have "_"
               and the name length appended, so constants with 10 character
               names would be in "constant_10" with the default XS_SUBNAME.

       Nicholas Clark <> based on the code in "h2xs" by Larry
       Wall and others

perl v5.8.6                       2001-09-21             ExtUtils::Constant(3)