
dateentry(1)                    [incr Widgets]                    dateentry(1)


       dateentry - Create and manipulate a dateentry widget

       dateentry pathName ?options?

       itk::Widget <- LabeledWidget <- Datefield <- Dateentry

       background      borderWidth    cursor          exportSelection
       foreground      highlightColor highlightThicknessinsertBackground
       justify         relief

       See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options.

       disabledForeground             labelBitmap     labelFontlabelImage
       labelMargin     labelPos       labelText       labelVariable

       See  the "labeledwidget" class manual entry for details on these inher-
       ited options.

       command         iq             state           textBackground

       See the "datefield" class manual entry for details on  these  inherited

       backwardImage   buttonForeground               commandcurrentDateFont
       dateFont        dayFont        days            forwardImage
       outline         selectColor    selectThickness startDay
       titleFont       weekdayBackground              weekendBackground

       See  the "calendar" manual entry for details on the associated options.

       Name:           grab
       Class:          Grab
       Command-Line Switch:           -grab

              Specifies the grab level, local or global, to be obtained before
              bringing  up  the  popup  calendar.  The default is global.  For
              more information concerning grab levels, consult the  documenta-
              tion for Tk's grab command.

       Name:           icon
       Class:          Icon
       Command-Line Switch:           -icon

              Specifies  the  calendar icon image to be used in the dateentry.
              This image must have been created previously with the image cre-
              ate  command.  Should one not be provided, then one will be gen-
              erated, pixmap if possible, bitmap otherwise.


       The dateentry command creates a quicken style date entry field  with  a
       popup   calendar  by  combining  the  datefield  and  calendar  widgets
       together.  This allows a user to enter the date via the keyboard or  by
       using the mouse and selecting the calendar icon which brings up a popup

       The dateentry command creates a new Tcl command whose name is pathName.
       This  command  may  be used to invoke various operations on the widget.
       It has the following general form:

              pathName option ?arg arg ...?

       Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the  command.   The
       following commands are possible for dateentry widgets:

       get             isvalid        show

       See the "datefield" manual entry for details on the associated methods.

       pathName cget option
              Returns the current value of the configuration option  given  by
              option.   Option  may  have  any  of  the values accepted by the
              dateentry command.

       pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
              Query or modify the configuration options of the widget.  If  no
              option is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail-
              able options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for  information
              on  the  format  of  this list).  If option is specified with no
              value, then the command returns a list describing the one  named
              option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist
              of the value returned if no option is  specified).   If  one  or
              more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies
              the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s);  in  this
              case  the  command returns an empty string.  Option may have any
              of the values accepted by the dateentry command.

       Name:           label
       Class:          Label

              The label component provides a label component to used to  iden-
              tify  the date.  See the "label" widget manual entry for details
              on the label component item.

       Name:           iconbutton
       Class:          Label

              The iconbutton component provides a labelbutton component to act
              as  a  lightweight  button  displaying  the calendar icon.  Upon
              pressing the labelbutton, the calendar appears.  See the "label"
              widget  manual  entry  for  details on the labelbutton component

       Name:           date
       Class:          Entry

              The date component provides the entry field for date  input  and
              display.  See the "entry" widget manual entry for details on the
              date component item.

               dateentry .de
               pack .de

       Mark L. Ulferts

       dateentry, widget

Tk                                                                dateentry(1)