conjure(1) conjure(1)
conjure - process a Magick Scripting Language (MSL) script
WARNING: Conjure and MSL are in very early development and the syntax
is subject to change!
conjure [ options ] script.msl [ [ options ] script.msl ]
The Magick scripting language (MSL) will primarily benefit those that
want to accomplish custom image processing tasks but do not wish to
program, or those that do not have access to a Perl interpreter or a
compiler. The interpreter is called conjure and here is an example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<image size="400x400" >
<read filename="image.gif" />
<get width="base-width" height="base-height" />
<resize geometry="%[dimensions]" />
<get width="width" height="height" />
<print output=
"Image sized from %[base-width]x%[base-height]
to %[width]x%[height].\n" />
<write filename="image.png" />
invoked with
conjure -dimensions 400x400 incantation.msl
All operations will closely follow the key/value pairs defined in Perl-
Magick, unless otherwise noted.
Conjure is in the early stages of development as of April 2002.
This early announcement is to allow ImageMagick users to contribute
ideas early in the process so when the scripting language is released
it will be useful/stable from the get-go! If you want to contribute
suggestions about the Magick scripting language (MSL), post them to
Options are processed in command line order. Any option you specify on
the command line remains in effect until it is explicitly changed by
specifying the option again with a different effect, or if it is
changed by a statement in the scripting language.
You can define your own keyword/value pairs on the command line. The
script can then use this information when setting values by including
%[keyword] in the string. For example, if you included "-dimensions
400x400" on the command line, as illustrated above, then any string
containing "%[dimensions]" would have 400x400 substituted. The
"%[string]" can be used either an entire string, such as geome-
try="%[dimensions]" or as a part of a string such as filename="%[base-
The keyword can be any string except for the following reserved strings
(in any upper, lower, or mixed case variant): debug, help, and verbose,
whose usage is described below.
The value can be any string. If either the keyword or the value con-
tains white space or any symbols that have special meanings to your
shell such as "#", "|", or "%", enclose the string in quotation marks
or use "\" to escape the white space and special symbols.
Keywords and values are case dependent. "Key", "key", and "KEY" would
be three different keywords.
For a more detailed description of each option, see ImageMagick(1).
-debug enable debug printout
-help print usage instructions
print detailed information about the image
The Magick Scripting Language (MSL) presently defines the following
elements and their attributes:
.in 20 Define a new image object. </image> destroys it.
Because of this, if you wish to reference multiple "subim-
ages" (aka pages or layers), you can embed one image ele-
ment inside of another. For example:
<read filename="input.png" />
<get width="base-width" height="base-height" />
<image height="base-height" width="base-width">
<image />
<write filename="output.mng" />
<image size="400x400" />
.in 20 Define a new group of image objects. By default,
images are only valid for the life of their <image>ele-
<image> -- creates the image
..... -- do stuff with it
</image> -- dispose of the image
However, in a group, all images in that group will stay
around for the life of the group:
<group> -- start a group
<image> -- create an image
.... -- do stuff
</image> -- NOOP
<image> -- create another
.... -- do more stuff
</image> -- NOOP
<write filename="image.mng" /> -- output
</group> -- dispose of both
.in 20 Read a new image from a disk file.
<read filename="image.gif" />
To read two images use
<read filename="image.gif" />
<read filename="image.png />
.in 20 Write the image(s) to disk, either as a single mul-
tiple-image file or multiple ones if necessary.
<write filename=image.tiff" />
.in 20 Get any attribute recognized by PerlMagick's GetAt-
tribute() and stores it as an image attribute for later
use. Currently only width and height are supported.
<get width="base-width" height="base-height" />
<print output="Image size is %[base-width]x%[base-
height].\n" />
.in 20 background, bordercolor, clip-mask, colorspace,
density, magick, mattecolor, opacity. Set an attribute
recognized by PerlMagick's GetAttribute().
.in 20
fill, geometry, height, width
.in 20
radius, sigma
.in 20
radius, sigma
.in 20
geometry, height, width, x, y
.in 20
geometry, height, width, x, y
.in 15 <emboss>
.in 20
radius, sigma
.in 15 <equalize>
.in 15 <flip>
.in 15 <flop>
.in 15 <frame>
.in 20
fill, geometry, height, width, x, y, inner, outer
.in 20
height, width
.in 20
background, color, id, size
.in 15 <minify>
.in 15 <normalize>
.in 15 <print>
.in 20
.in 15 <resize>
.in 20
blur, filter, geometry, height, width
.in 20
geometry, x, y
.in 20
.in 20
geometry, height, width
.in 20
geometry, height, width
.in 20
radius, sigma
.in 20
geometry, height, width
.in 20
x, y
.in 20
.in 20
.in 20
.in 20
.in 20
.in 20
.in 20
.in 20
animate(1), display(1), composite(1), convert(1), identify(1),
import(1), mogrify(1), montage(1)
Copyright (C) 2002 ImageMagick Studio
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files ("ImageMag-
ick"), to deal in ImageMagick without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
sublicense, and/or sell copies of ImageMagick, and to permit persons to
whom the ImageMagick is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of ImageMagick.
The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express
or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of mer-
chantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.In
no event shall ImageMagick Studio be liable for any claim, damages or
other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise,
arising from, out of or in connection with ImageMagick or the use or
other dealings in ImageMagick.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of the ImageMagick Studio
LLC shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale,
use or other dealings in ImageMagick without prior written authoriza-
tion from the ImageMagick Studio.
John Cristy, ImageMagick Studio LLC,
Glenn Randers-Pehrson, ImageMagick Studio LLC,
Leonard Rosenthol, ImageMagick Studio LLC.
ImageMagick Date: 2002/02/15 01:00:00 conjure(1)