
canvasprintbox(1)               [incr Widgets]               canvasprintbox(1)


       canvasprintbox - Create and manipulate a canvas print box widget

       canvasprintbox pathName ?options?

       itk::Widget <- Canvasprintbox

       activeBackground               background      borderWidthcursor
       foreground      highlightBackground            highlightColorhighlightThickness
       insertBackground               insertBorderWidthinsertOffTimeinsertOnTime
       insertWidth     relief         repeatDelay     repeatInterval
       selectBackground               selectBorderWidthselectForeground

       See the "options" manual entry for details on the standard options.

       Name:           filename
       Class:          FileName
       Command-Line Switch:           -filename

              The  file to write the postscript output to (Only when output is
              set to "file"). If posterizing is turned on and hpagecnt  and/or
              vpagecnt is more than 1, x.y is appended to the filename where x
              is the horizontal page number and y the vertical page number.

       Name:           hpagecnt
       Class:          PageCnt
       Command-Line Switch:           -hpagecnt

              Is used in combination with posterize to determine over how many
              pages the output should be distributed. This attribute specifies
              how many pages should be used horizontaly.  Any change  to  this
              attribute will automatically update the "stamp".  Defaults to 1.

       Name:           orient
       Class:          Orient
       Command-Line Switch:           -orient

              Determines the orientation of the  output  to  the  printer  (or
              file).    It  can  take  the  value  "portrait"  or  "landscape"
              (default). Changes to this attribute will be  reflected  immedi-
              ately  in  the  "stamp".   Defaults  to  "landscape" but will be
              changed automaticaly to the value deemed appropiate for the cur-
              rent  canvas.  Setting this attribute when the canvasprintbox is
              first constructed (instead of using the "configure" method) will
              turn off the auto adjustment of this attribute.

       Name:           output
       Class:          Output
       Command-Line Switch:           -output

              Specifies  where the postscript output should go: to the printer
              or to a file. Can take on the values "printer" or  "file".   The
              corresponding  entry-widget  will reflect the contents of either
              the printcmd attribute or the filename attribute.   Defaults  to

       Name:           pageSize
       Class:          PageSize
       Command-Line Switch:           -pagesize

              The  pagesize  the  printer  supports. Changes to this attribute
              will be reflected immediately in the "stamp".  Defaults to "a4".

       Name:           posterize
       Class:          Posterize
       Command-Line Switch:           -posterize

              Indicates  if  posterizing  is turned on or not. Posterizing the
              output means that it is possible to distribute the  output  over
              more  than  one  page.  This  way it is possible to print a can-
              vas/region which is larger than the specified  pagesize  without
              stretching.  If  used  in  combination with stretching it can be
              used to "blow up" the contents of a canvas to as large  as  size
              as  you want (See attributes: hpagecnt and vpagecnt). Any change
              to  this  attribute  will  automatically  update  the   "stamp".
              Defaults to 0.

       Name:           printCmd
       Class:          PrintCmd
       Command-Line Switch:           -printcmd

              The command to execute when printing the postscript output.  The
              command will get the postscript directed to its  standard  input
              (Only when output is set to "printer").  Defaults to "lpr".

       Name:           printRegion
       Class:          PrintRegion
       Command-Line Switch:           -printregion

              A  list  of four coordinates specifying which part of the canvas
              to print.  An empty list means that the canvas' entire scrollre-
              gion  should be printed. Any change to this attribute will auto-
              matically update the "stamp".  Defaults to an empty list.

       Name:           stretch
       Class:          Stretch
       Command-Line Switch:           -stretch

              Determines if the output should be stretched to  fill  the  page
              (as defined by the attribute pagesize) as large as possible. The
              aspect-ratio of the output will be retained and the output  will
              never fall outside of the boundaries of the page.  Defaults to 0
              but will be changed automaticaly to the value deemed  appropiate
              for  the  current  canvas.  Setting this attribute when the can-
              vasprintbox is first constructed (instead of using the  "config-
              ure"   method)  will  turn  off  the  auto  adjustment  of  this

       Name:           vPageCnt
       Class:          PageCnt
       Command-Line Switch:           -vpagecnt

              Is used in combination with "posterize" to  determine  over  how
              many  pages  the  output  should  be distributed. This attribute
              specifies how many pages should be used verticaly.   Any  change
              to   this  attribute  will  automatically  update  the  "stamp".
              Defaults to 1.


       Implements a print box for printing the contents of a canvas widget  to
       a  printer  or  a file. It is possible to specify page orientation, the
       number of pages to print the image on  and  if  the  output  should  be
       stretched  to fit the page. Options exist to control the appearance and
       actions of the widget.

       The canvasprintbox command creates a new  Tcl  command  whose  name  is
       pathName.  This command may be used to invoke various operations on the
       widget.  It has the following general form:

              pathName option ?arg arg ...?

       Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the  command.   The
       following commands are possible for canvasprintbox widgets:

       pathName cget option
              Returns  the  current value of the configuration option given by
              option.  Option may have any of the values accepted by the  can-
              vasprintbox command.

       pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
              Query  or modify the configuration options of the widget.  If no
              option is specified, returns a list describing all of the avail-
              able  options for pathName (see Tk_ConfigureInfo for information
              on the format of this list).  If option  is  specified  with  no
              value,  then the command returns a list describing the one named
              option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist
              of  the  value  returned  if no option is specified).  If one or
              more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies
              the  given widget option(s) to have the given value(s);  in this
              case the command returns an empty string.  Option may  have  any
              of the values accepted by the canvasprintbox command.

       pathName getoutput
              Returns the value of the printercmd or filename option depending
              on the current setting of output.

       pathName print
              Perfrom the actual printing of the canvas using the current set-
              tings of all the attributes. Returns a boolean indicating wether
              the printing was successful or not.

       pathName refresh
              Retrieves the current value for all edit fields and updates  the
              stamp accordingly. Is useful for Apply-buttons.

       pathName setcanvas canvas
              This is used to set the canvas that has to be printed.  A stamp-
              sized copy will automatically be drawn to show  how  the  output
              would look with the current settings.

       pathName stop
              Stops the drawing of the "stamp". I'm currently unable to detect
              when a Canvasprintbox gets destroyed or withdrawn.  It's  there-
              fore  advised  that  you  perform a stop before you do something
              like that.

       Name:           prtflentry
       Class:          Entry

              The prtflentry component is the entry field for  user  input  of
              the  filename or printer command (depending on the value of out-

       Name:           hpcnt
       Class:          Entry

              The hpcnt component is the entry field for  user  input  of  the
              number  of pages to use horizontaly when posterize is turned on.
              Name:           vpcnt
              Class:          Entry

              The vpcnt component is the entry field for  user  input  of  the
              number of pages to use verticaly when posterize is turned on.

              canvasprintbox .fsb -orient landscape -stretch 1
              pack .fsb -padx 10 -pady 10 -fill both -expand yes

       Tako Schotanus

       canvasprintbox, widget

Tk                                                           canvasprintbox(1)