A very simple 3D routine written in ActionScript 1.0. If you need to understand transformation and projection of 3D geometry, this script may be a good starting point. It creates a model and a camera. The object responds to the mouse movements. We use a 3D rotation matrix to transform the object points along the x and y axes.
Download Source File: Flash5_Point3D.zip
This code block is placed inside the the host clip's onClipEvent (load) event handler. Whenever the mouse moves the onClipEvent (mouseMove) handler calls the objectRotate() function.
/* 2 axis rotation matrix *******************************************************/ function xy_matrix (rx, ry) { var cosrx = Math.cos(rx); var sinrx = Math.sin(rx); var cosry = Math.cos(ry); var sinry = Math.sin(ry); var r = { r11 : cosry , r12 : 0 , r13 : sinry , r21 : sinrx * sinry , r22 : cosrx , r23 : -cosry * sinrx , r31 : -cosrx * sinry , r32 : sinrx , r33 : cosrx * cosry } return r; } /* point object constructor *******************************************************/ function Point(x, y, z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } /* point rotation method *******************************************************/ Point.prototype.rotate = function(R) { var vector = { x : R.r11 * this.x + R.r12 * this.y + R.r13 * this.z , y : R.r21 * this.x + R.r22 * this.y + R.r23 * this.z , z : R.r31 * this.x + R.r32 * this.y + R.r33 * this.z } return vector; } /* camera object constructor *******************************************************/ function Camera(focal_length, zoom) { this.f = focal_length; this.zoom = zoom; } /* camera projection method *******************************************************/ Camera.prototype.project = function(vector, mc) { var k = this.zoom * this.f/(vector.z - this.f); mc._x = k * vector.x; mc._y = k * vector.y; } /* the array of points that make up the model *******************************************************/ this.model = [ new Point( 1, 1, 1) , new Point( 1, 1,-1) , new Point( 1,-1, 1) , new Point( 1,-1,-1) , new Point(-1, 1, 1) , new Point(-1, 1,-1) , new Point(-1,-1, 1) , new Point(-1,-1,-1) ]; /* main program *******************************************************/ function rotateObject(model) { /* capture mouse coordinates */ var rx = _ymouse / 100; var ry = _xmouse / 100; /* calculate rotation matrix */ var m = xy_matrix(rx, ry); /* draw object */ for(var i = 0; i < model.length; i++) { /* calculate transformation */ var vector = model[i].rotate(m); /* project points to camera plane */ this.cam.project(vector, this[i]); } /* update frame */ updateAfterEvent(); } /* build model *******************************************************/ for(var i = 0; i < this.model.length; i++) { this.attachMovie("locator", i, i); } /* add camera *******************************************************/ this.cam = new Camera(5, 80);