Color.setTransform in Flash 5 (ActionScript 1.0)

Color.setTransform() was introduced in Flash 5. It gives you precise control over the RGB values of a movieclip. Interesting visual effects such as turning a positive image into negative can be achieved using ActionScript. This sample includes a lightweight slider component.

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r = r_original * (ra/100) + rb
g = g_original * (ga/100) + gb
b = b_original * (ba/100) + bb

ra, ga, ba { -100 .. +100 }    (percentage)
rb, gb, bb { -255 .. +255 }    (offset)

To invert an image use these values:
ra = ga = ba = -100
rb = gb = bb = +255

r = r_original * (-100/100) + 255 = 255 - r_original;
g = g_original * (-100/100) + 255 = 255 - g_original;
b = b_original * (-100/100) + 255 = 255 - b_original;