Click in the area and drag your mouse to create elliptical shapes. You can hold down the Shift key to draw circles. You can delete the last shape by pressing the 'd' key. If you only need the minimal stuff necessary to draw ellipses and circles download
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/* The following methods are placed on the first frame of the main timeline: */ /* calculate the axes of the ellipse *************************************************/ MovieClip.prototype.getAxes = function() { var rx = Math.abs(this.radius._x - this.origo._x); var ry = Math.abs(this.radius._y - this.origo._y); /* rs is to check the size of the ellipse */ var rs = rx + ry; return {rx: rx, ry: ry, rs: rs}; } /* scales the ellipse *************************************************/ MovieClip.prototype.scaleCircles = function() { var ax = this.getAxes(); /* scale evenly when SHIFT key is pressed */ if(Key.isDown(Key.SHIFT)) ax.rx = ax.ry = Math.sqrt(ax.rx * ax.rx + ax.ry * ax.ry); this[this.circles]._xscale = ax.rx; this[this.circles]._yscale = ax.ry; } /* create new ellipse *************************************************/ MovieClip.prototype.addCircle = function(x, y) { this.circles++; this.attachMovie("circle", this.circles, this.circles); this[this.circles]._x = x; this[this.circles]._y = y; this[this.circles]._xscale = this[this.circles]._yscale = 1; } /* remove last ellipse *************************************************/ MovieClip.prototype.deleteLastCircle = function() { if(this.circles > 0) { this[this.circles--].removeMovieClip(); } } /* These events are attached to the host movieclip: */ /* startup *************************************************/ onClipEvent ( load ) { this.circles = 0; this.drawing = false; this.origo._visible = this.radius._visible = false; } /* create new ellipse and show locators *************************************************/ onClipEvent ( mouseDown ) { var x = this.origo._x = this.radius._x = this._xmouse; var y = this.origo._y = this.radius._y = this._ymouse; this.origo._visible = this.radius._visible = true; this.radius.startDrag(true); this.addCircle(x, y); this.drawing = true; } /* finalize ellipse and hide locators *************************************************/ onClipEvent ( mouseUp ) { this.radius.stopDrag(); this.drawing = false; this.origo._visible = this.radius._visible = false; /* remove small ellipses that might be accidental *************************************************/ if(this.getAxes().rs < 8) this.deleteLastCircle(); } /* scale current ellipse *************************************************/ onClipEvent ( mouseMove ) { if(this.drawing) { this.scaleCircles(); } } /* delete last ellipse *************************************************/ onClipEvent ( keyDown ) { if(!this.drawing) { if(Key.isDown(68)) this.deleteLastCircle(); } }