This is the new improved version of the Flash Dock wrapped in an ActionScript 2.0 class. We included an example that is easy to customize. See the code below that is used to create this dock. The rest is in the ActionScript class.
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// Handles clicks on icons this.dockActions = function(label) { switch(label) { case 'Preferences': trace('This is how you open a URL in a new window.'); getURL('', '_blank'); break; case 'Blog': trace('This is how you load a JPEG or SWF into a new level.'); loadMovie('sample.jpg', '_level10'); break; case 'Forum': trace('This is how you load a JPEG or SWF into a movieclip.'); this._parent.sample_mc.loadMovie('sample.jpg'); break; default: trace('Default action here.'); } } // Dock description var dockTemplate = { layout: 0, /* top | right | bottom | left | *rotation* */ icon_size: 128, icon_min: 32, icon_max: 120, icon_spacing: 2, items: [ { id: 'settings', label: 'Preferences'}, { id: 'blog', label: 'Blog' }, { id: 'forum',label: 'Forum' }, { id: 'shop', label: 'Store' }, { id: 'support', label: 'Tech Support' }, { id: 'search', label: 'Search Archives' }, { id: 'contact', label: 'Contact Us' }, { id: 'trash', label: 'Trash' } ], span: null, amplitude: null, callback: this.dockActions } this.attachMovie('Dock', 'menu_mc', 1, dockTemplate); this.menu_mc._x = Stage.width / 2; this.menu_mc._y = 232;